What Cosmetic Procedures Make You Younger?

Today you can look visually younger in a few weeks. It is enough to go to an aesthetic medicine center or a beauty salon and undergo procedures that will make you younger. Let's figure out how to choose the right one.

Facial skin rejuvenation

when can you start

From what age can you start cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation? It is generally accepted that there is no point in doing this before the age of 30. But this opinion is wrong.

Cosmetologists say that performing anti-aging treatments at the age of 20-25 is the norm. It allows you to correct the condition of the skin in time, saturating it with the necessary substances, balancing it and maintaining the tone. Over time, according to the beautician's recommendations, the anti-aging program will change with the inclusion of more effective components and schemes.

The sooner you start regular care and corrective measures that improve the condition of the skin, the easier it will be to achieve the desired result later.

20-30 years old

From 20 to 30 years, cosmetologists recommend preventive procedures:

  • Mesotherapy with cocktails containing a low concentration of vitamin complexes;
  • superficial peelings - ultrasound, gas-liquid, with fruit acids 1 time in 6 months;
  • Biorevitalization - injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid for intensive hydration and "revitalization" of the dermis of any type;
  • home care cosmetics containing antioxidants;
  • mandatory sun protection - the use of creams with an SPF index.

A good effect of restoring the dermis over the age of 30 can be obtained after:

  • Plasmolifting - the introduction of the patient's autoplasma, cleaned and saturated with growth factors. To do this, 20-100 ml of the patient's own blood is taken, which goes through the centrifuge processing stage, then the enriched plasma is injected under the skin of the face and neck.
  • Thread reinforcement or thread lifting - tissue fastening and tightening with absorbable "youth conservators" - threads that form a frame. This natural structure maintains the oval of the face, prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin folds.
  • Fractional laser photothermolysis - directed irradiation with a beam of very fine rays - fractions that cause controlled microdamage. This temperature effect stimulates the natural recovery process – tissue regeneration.

35-40 years old

injectable facial rejuvenation

After the age of 35, the skin quickly loses its natural elasticity, becomes thinner, drier, wrinkles deepen and the wrinkles around the eyes, nose and mouth become static wrinkles.

Depending on the condition of the skin, a dermatocosmetologist can recommend the following cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation:

  • Contouring - to restore the former volume of the skin, its smoothing and densification, as well as the correction of nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal sulcus.
  • Medium-chemical peels for active skin regeneration, restoration of an even relief and smoothing of fine wrinkles.
  • Injections of preparations based on purified botulinum toxin, which smooth out particularly pronounced wrinkles and fine lines on the face.
  • Photorejuvenation that accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin and improves the skin's appearance.

45-50 years old

At this age, the processes of synthesizing collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by the body gradually tend to a minimum. Small wrinkles appear on the skin, it becomes thinner, drier, a second chin appears. The relief of the face is blurred, the contours appear sharper or, conversely, covered with puffiness.

Of the procedures for women over 45 are suitable:

  • beauty injections to reduce the depth of wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes;
  • Thread lift - for active skin tightening and elimination of double chin, to restore the oval of the face;
  • Laser skin rejuvenation - for intensive tightening, smoothing and tightening of the dermis to solve the problem of its aging globally.

50-60 years old

At this age, instead of procedures that stimulate skin regeneration, it is better to pay attention to replacement injection therapy and thread lifting.

In women over 50, notched fixing threads have an excellent effect. They not only help to tighten and strengthen the tissue, but also keep it securely in the selected position. With the help of such threads, they tighten the chin area, remove the cheeks, tighten the cheeks, restore the oval of the face.

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Rejuvenation programs include injection and hardware techniques.

botulinum therapy

Effective for eliminating forehead, bridge of the nose and "crow's feet" around the eyes. Drugs injected into the facial muscles of the face block the transmitted nerve impulses. The skin is smoothed. The effect lasts about 5-6 months, then it isthe process repeats.


This is the introduction of individually selected cocktails based on hyaluronate, organic acids, various vitamin complexes and plant extracts. The depth of injection does not exceed 0. 6 mm. Beauty injections are performed manually or with the help of injectors - hardware mesotherapy.

The first effect is noticeable after 2-3 procedures, a stable result occurs after 4-5. up, but the course lasts up to 8-10 procedures to consolidate the effect.

Positive changes after mesotherapy last about six months. They can be prolonged with repeated mesotherapy or maintenance procedures, 1-2 sessions per month.


Biorevitalization of the skin for rejuvenation

This procedure helps eliminate skin imperfections by saturating the deep layers with hyaluronic acid. Done with:

  • The classic method is multiple subcutaneous injections using a syringe or hardware nozzles. The method is characterized by the fastest and most pronounced effect, but characteristic papules appear after injections, swelling and hematoma may appear.
  • Laser biorevitalization – when hyaluronic acid is delivered to tissues using laserpheresis. The advantages of this method over injections are a reduced recovery period and a minimum of contraindications. But the efficiency is much lower. If in the classic version 1-2 injections are required, then with the laser technique it is necessary to perform 5-8 procedures.

contour plastic

At the top of the ranking of the best anti-aging procedures is the injection technique for removing wrinkles and correcting the contours of the face. The essence of this technique is the filling of subcutaneous cavities with gel preparations, called "fillers".

With the help of contour plastics:

  • eliminate all types of wrinkles, except deep wrinkles with the destruction of the skin structure;
  • enlarge lips and correct their shape;
  • eliminate facial asymmetry;
  • form the missing volume of a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe face - cheeks, chin, cheekbones and others.

The result after injections is felt immediately. The initial assessment can be made within -2 days after the session, the final assessment in about a week. Depending on the drug, the effects can last anywhere from 4-6 months to 1. 5-3 years.

hardware cosmetics

The best hardware anti-aging facial procedures are photorejuvenation, ELOS rejuvenation, photofractional procedures, RF lifting and SMAS lifting.

Photorejuvenation is based on treating the skin with pulses of light, ELOS Rejuvenation combines light and RF energy. The SMAS lift works on the skin with ultrasound, the RF lift uses radio frequency energy.

The photofractional procedure is a double sequential treatment of the skin, which includes first phototherapy with IPL light and then, after anesthesia, Fraxel fractional laser treatment. Photopulses lighten the skin, remove pigmentation, and a fractional laser stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers exposed to UV rays.

Cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation differ for different age categories of patients: the intensity of exposure, the number of sessions and the need for repeated treatment, the concentration of drugs and other factors. It is better to choose the most effective of them with an experienced dermatocosmetologist after a thorough examination of the condition of the skin.